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CSS Training in Virudhunagar

Unleash Your Web Design Creativity with Getin Technologies CSS Training in Virudhunagar!

Get your maximum potential of web design with Getin Technologies CSS Training in Virudhunagar. If you’re a beginner in the arena of web development or simply want to elevate your current skill sets, this course is going to help you master the art of styling and designing gorgeous and responsive websites. You would start learning from mastering the basis of CSS and be taught techniques on Flexbox, CSS Grid, animations, and much more. End. Our highly experienced instructors bring years of industry experience to the classroom and ensure that you learn the application of CSS theory in live projects. You will work through practical exercises and project-based learning, readying you to create visually appealing websites that look amazing on any device. So, step into Getin Technologies CSS Training in Virudhunagar today and be a thorough front-end developer with our comprehensive training in CSS!. Our CSS crash course provides you with the fundamental styling skills you need, including layout, colors, and responsive design. Our CSS crash course provides you with the fundamental styling skills you need, including layout, colors, and responsive design. 

Features of CSS Training in Virudhunagar

Industry Expert Trainers

Learn from people who are updated with the latest industry trends, giving you a competitive advantage in your professional career.

Real-world Project

At Getin Technologies, you apply what you learn to solve real-world problems – industry-relevant problems – which build up to practical experience.

End-to-End Proficiency

Our curriculum will ensure you gain hands-on experience in creating responsive, modern web pages using CSS, and will prepare you for real-world front-end development.

Softskill Training

Our Soft Skills Training grows with confidence building, time management and leadership thus making you attain your interview and working life goals.

Career-Ready Workshops

From our carrer-ready workshop you can get practical advice on careers, including strategies on how to network and get placement.


Our learning modes for the students can accommodate any student’s or working professional’s calendar, without sacrifice on quality.

Unlock exclusive savings on our courses with personalized coupon codes –  Contact us now to elevate your learning experience at a discounted Price! (Only Online Class)

Call Now: +91 89258 31828

Course Syllabus for CSS Training in Virudhunagar

  • What is CSS?
  • CSS Inclusion
  • Selectors
  • Colors
  • Background
  • Border
  • Margin
  • Padding
  • Height
  • Width
  • Sizes
  • Box-Model
  • CSS Fonts
  • CSS Text
  • CSS links
  • CSS Tables
  • Display, Position
  • Margin property
  • Padding property
  • CSS Lists Styles
  • CSS Cursors
  • CSS Overflow
  • CSS Position
  • Pseudo Classes
  • Pseudo Elements
  • Animation
  • Transform
  • Transition
  • Media Query
  • Box Sizing Flex and Grid

If you want to Customize the Course Syllabus for CSS, Call us to  +91 89258 31828

If you want to Group Discount for CSS course, Call us to  +91 89258 31828

School Student Offer


30% Offer for School Students from Total Course Fees.

1. Bring Valid School ID Card while Admission.

2. 6th – 12th Std can enroll this course.

3. Terms and conditions apply.

College Student Offer

Offer20% Offer for College Students from Total Course Fees.

1. Bring Valid College ID Card while Admission.

2. All Stream (Arts & Engineering) students can use this offer.

3. Terms and conditions apply.

Disabled Student Offer


50% Offer for Disabled Students from Total Course Fees.

1.Bring Govt Approved Disabled Person ID Card while come to admission.

2. Terms and Conditions Apply.

Learning Objectives of CSS Training in Virudhunagar:

  • Master the Basics of CSS: Understand the fundamental concept of CSS by going through selectors, properties, values, and then application to style HTML elements.
  • Be Proficient in Box Model and Layouts: Understand the CSS box model – margins, padding, borders, content, and how to structure layouts using Flexbox and CSS Grid.
  • Responsive Web Design: Learn the power of responsive design and how to make responsive websites using media queries across diverse screen sizes and devices.
  • Advanced CSS Techniques: Learn more complex effects and styling, such as CSS animations, transitions, pseudo-classes, and pseudo-elements, to add excitement and interactivity to your user interface.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Follow best practices for ensuring your pages look and feel consistent and behave well across browsers and devices.
  • CSS Optimization and Performance: Learn how to write CSS in a way that it’ll load quickly on your browser such as best practices in reducing the size of the CSS files and shortening its rendering time.

  • Exploring CSS Concepts: A CSS computer course covers advanced styling techniques, whereas a CSS fundamentals course emphasizes essential concepts such as selectors, properties, and the box model for beginners. 

CSS Topic Wise Questions

  1. Use element(type)  selector to set the color of all headings to blue and all paragraphs to gray.
  2. Use the descendant selector to set the color of all paragraphs within a specific div with the class “container” to blue.
  3. Use the adjacent sibling selector to change the color of an h2 that comes immediately after an h1 to green.
  1. Create a webpage that uses a custom font (e.g., Google Fonts) as the primary font. Ensure that there are appropriate fallback fonts in case the custom font is not available.
  2. Design a paragraph that uses different font weights (e.g., normal, bold, bolder, lighter) and font styles (e.g., normal, italic, oblique) within the same text block.Use <span> elements to apply different font-weight and font-style properties to specific parts of the text.
  3.  Import the ‘Open Sans’ font from Google Fonts and use it for all text within a specific section of a webpage.
  4. Create a styled quote section with a different font for the quote and the author.(refer Q5. in HTML text formatting)
  5. Create a menu card with 10 Desserts with different font and price tags of different font-weight ,color ,family.
  1. Create a text effect using multiple text shadows to give a neon glow effect to an element with the class  .neon-text.
  2. Apply a linear gradient to the text of a heading so that it transitions from red to yellow.
  3. Apply uppercase transformation and increase the letter spacing to 3px for all <h3> elements.
  4. Apply two background images to a single <div>. One image should be in the top-left corner and the other in the bottom-right corner.
  5.  Create a background image that remains fixed when scrolling the page.
  6. Create three  <div>  describing  a content with a background that includes a gradient, an image, and a solid color. Each layer should be distinguishable.
  7. Create a custom pattern background using multiple small background images in a tiled layout.
  1. Style every even row of a table with a light gray background.
  2. Create a registration Form and change the border color of input fields to blue when they are focused.
  3.  Change the background color of buttons to green when the mouse hovers over them.
  4.  Add a small icon after each link to indicate external links as in linking to external websites like W3Schools. 
  5. Change the color of the list markers (bullets) to red.
  6. Style every third list item in an ordered list with a different background color.
  7. Add a star icon before every <h1> element.
  8. Replace the default bullet points in an unordered list with custom images.
  9.  Change the background color and text color of selected text.
  10. Change the text color of a span inside a div when the div is hovered.
  1. Apply padding to a parent <div> and nested <p>(add three paragraph) elements so that there is 10px padding within each paragraph, and 20px padding within the parent div, without affecting the internal padding of the paragraphs.
  2. Center a <div> element with a fixed width of 400px horizontally in the viewport.
  3. Create a card layout with a <div> element containing an image within it  and has a padding of 20px inside and a margin of 15px outside. The card should have a border of 1px solid black.
  4. Set a padding of 20px on all sides of a <div> element and apply a background image that doesn’t get covered by the padding area.
  5. Create a <div> element  containing a login form’s content within it and the div element with a padding of 25px on all sides and a box shadow that makes it appear elevated.
  • Design  tables as in a given template(table can contain data of your choice).
  • Design the below given template by styling a list.
  1. Create a webpage where the cursor changes to indicate content loading and then reverts back after loading is complete.
  2. Create an interactive form where the cursor changes based on the input field focus.
  3.  Create a tooltip that appears when hovering over a specific element. The cursor should change when hovering over the tooltip.
  4. Design a responsive navigation menu where the cursor changes based on menu items.
  5. Implement a responsive image gallery where cursor styles change based on the image being hovered over.
  1. Create a container where scrollbars are always visible, even if the content does not overflow.
  2. Design a responsive container that adjusts its overflow behavior based on screen size.
  3.  Implement a container where the overflowed content should be clipped and not visible.
  4.  Design a horizontally scrolling section within a webpage.
  1. Implement a sticky header that stays at the top of the viewport while scrolling, but only after it has scrolled past its initial position.
  2.  Create two overlapping div elements. The one on top should be positioned using position: absolute and have a higher z-index value so it appears above the other div.
  3. Design a button that remains fixed at the bottom-right corner of the viewport and is always visible, even when scrolling. 
  1. Design a circular element that continuously pulses, enlarging and then shrinking back to its original size.
  2. Design a loading bar that animates from left to right, simulating a progress bar.
  3. Implement an animation where text appears to be typed out one character at a time.
  4.  Create a search bar that expands when focused and collapses back when the focus is lost. The expansion should be smooth.
  5.  Design an animation where multiple stars fall from the top of the screen to the bottom, creating a starry effect in a dark background.
  1. Design a responsive navigation bar that displays a horizontal list of links on large screens and a dropdown menu on smaller screens.
  2. Create a two-column layout where the columns stack vertically on smaller screens and display side by side on larger screens.
  3.  Make an image responsive so that it scales with the size of its container and maintains its aspect ratio.
  4. Design a table that adapts its layout for smaller screens, such as converting it to a stacked format or displaying a horizontal scroll bar.
  • Design  a nav bar containing Home ,About ,Contact, Review as in display content in elements and make them responsive while hovering over elements such  as background color.
  • Create a layout where a flex container contains nested flex containers, each with its own flex properties.
  • Create a set of cards within a flex container where all cards have equal heights regardless of their content. The cards should have a dynamic height based on the tallest card. Ensure that the layout remains responsive and adjusts to different screen sizes.
  • Design a footer that is divided into three sections: a left-aligned section, a centered section, and a right-aligned section. The footer should be responsive and adjust the alignment of the sections based on the viewport width.
  1. Build a responsive image gallery where images are arranged in a grid. On large screens, display 4 images per row. On medium screens, display 2 images per row. On small screens, display 1 image per row.
  2. Design all the below given grid templates.


What is a CSS Computer Course?

A CSS Computer Course provides both fundamentals and advanced knowledge of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for styling web pages. It includes techniques for designing and laying out web pages effectively, improving their visual appeal and responsiveness. 

Will I get a certificate after completing the CSS Crash Course?

Upon successfully completing the CSS Crash Course and its final project, you will earn a certificate that showcases your CSS skills.

What tools will I need for the CSS Course for Beginners?

You will need a code editor like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom, along with a web browser such as Google Chrome or Firefox. These tools are crucial for writing and testing your CSS code.

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