Top Selenium Interview Questions
Top Selenium Interview Questions
- How many languages does Selenium support?
- What is automation testing?
- What are the different ways to find an element?
- What are the testing types supported by Selenium?
- What is the difference between implicit wait and explicit wait in selenium WebDriver?
- Which is better – implicit wait or explicit wait?
- When should I use Selenium IDE?
- Explain the difference between single (/) and a double slash (//) in X-path?
- What is the use of XPath?
- What is the difference between type keys and type commands?
- What is the difference between verify and assert commands?
- What are heightened privilege browsers?
- Explain what is Data-driven framework and Keyword driven?
- What is Object Repository?
- Mention 5 different exceptions you had in Selenium WebDriver?
- Which web driver implementation is the fastest?
- How to find more than one web element in the list?
- What is the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit() command?
- In which format does the source view show your script in Selenium IDE?
- What is Object Repository? How can we create an Object Repository in Selenium?
- Explain how to navigate to a new window from the current window?
- How can you convert any Selenium IDE tests from Selenese to another language?
- To generate pdf reports, what Java API is required?
- What are the ways you can customize the TestNG report?
- In Selenium, what are Breakpoints and Startpoints?
- What are the components of the Selenium suite?
- Can you tell from where the term Selenium derived?
- Why should you use Selenium as a test tool?
- What is Selenese?
- What is the difference between automation testing and manual testing?
- How do we launch a batch file in a Selenium Webdriver project?
- Elaborate on the functioning of Selenium Grid?
- Can we use the Selenium grid for performance testing?
- Is it possible to replace automation testing with manual testing?
- How will you find an element using Selenium?
- What is the Page Object Model (POM)?
- What is Page Factory?
- What is an XPath?
- Name different types of XPath?
- How do we run the selenium IDE test suite from the command line?
- How can we perform drag and drop action in Selenium WebDriver?
- Name the Selenese command that is used to present the value of a variable?
- Can Selenium handle windows based pop up?
- How do we handle web-based pop up in Selenium?
- Tell me how can I take a screenshot in Selenium WebDriver?
- Is it possible to enter a text without using sendKeys()?
- What is Junit? What are Junit annotations?
- What is Object Repository?
- How can we create an Object Repository in Selenium?
- Does Selenium have any limitations?
- Which browsers/drivers do Selenium WebDriver support?
- Does Selenium Webdriver support web services testing?
- What is an absolute XPath?
- What is a Relative XPath?
- How do we identify a child element using XPath?
- How to use CSS Selector for identifying web elements by class?
- How to use CSS Selector for identifying web elements by ID?
- How can we move to nth child element using the CSS Selector?
- Explain the difference between XPath and CSS Selector.
- What type of tests have you automated?
- Can we launch different browsers in Selenium WebDriver? How?
- How to check a checkBox in selenium?
- Explain the difference between driver.getWindowHandle() and driver.getWindowHandles() in selenium.
- What are some possibilities of using conditions in Explicit waits?
- What are DesiredCapabilities in Selenium WebDriver?
- What is a data-driven framework?
- What is a keyword-driven framework?
- What is a hybrid framework?
- What is Selenium 2.0, and how is it better than Selenium 1.0?
- How can we pass parameters to the test script using TestNG?
- Can you explain how we can make two test methods dependent on each other using TestNG?
- What is the difference between “type” and “typeAndWait” commands in terms of Selenium?
- What are the different OS/platforms supported by Selenium?
- What types of cases can be automated using Selenium?
- Mention the list of different types of locators?
- What is the procedure to iterate through options in the test script?
- What are the element locators that can be used to locate elements on the web page in selenium IDE?
- In Selenium IDE, how to generate random numbers and dates for test data?
- How to retrieve the message in an alert box?
- How to get the entered text from a textbox in the Selenium webdriver?
- Mention how to obtain server-side log Selenium Server?
- Mention what are the types of Listeners in TestNG?
- What API is required for database testing in the Selenium webdriver?
- Explain when to use AutoIT?
- How to get TagName?
- Explain the timeout commands in Implicitwait?
- Mention how to store various windows into one object?
- Mention how to switch one frame to another frame?
- Explain what is Beforeclass?
- Explain what @Afterclass is?
- Explain what @Ignore is?
- How do you prioritize test methods within a class?
- Mention how to pass a parameter from the XML file?
- How to fetch data from dataprovider method?
- How to manage data under the dataprovider method?
- How to classify tooltip in selenium webdriver?
- Mention how to execute Cucumber Tests in groups using Cucumber Tags?
- How to handle dynamic tables in Selenium?
- Write a code snippet to launch the Firefox browser in WebDriver.
- Mention what the various types of framework are?
- What is the difference between Silk Test and Selenium?
- How can you check the visibility of web elements (if an element is displayed on the screen)?
- How to type text in a textbox using Selenium?