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Top Selenium Interview Questions

Top Selenium Interview Questions

  1. How many languages does Selenium support?
  2. What is automation testing?
  3. What are the different ways to find an element?
  4. What are the testing types supported by Selenium?
  5. What is the difference between implicit wait and explicit wait in selenium WebDriver?
  6. Which is better – implicit wait or explicit wait?
  7. When should I use Selenium IDE?
  8. Explain the difference between single (/) and a double slash (//) in X-path?
  9. What is the use of XPath?
  10. What is the difference between type keys and type commands?
  11. What is the difference between verify and assert commands?
  12. What are heightened privilege browsers?
  13. Explain what is Data-driven framework and Keyword driven?
  14. What is Object Repository?
  15. Mention 5 different exceptions you had in Selenium WebDriver?
  16. Which web driver implementation is the fastest?
  17. How to find more than one web element in the list?
  18. What is the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit() command?
  19. In which format does the source view show your script in Selenium IDE?
  20. What is Object Repository? How can we create an Object Repository in Selenium?
  21. Explain how to navigate to a new window from the current window?
  22. How can you convert any Selenium IDE tests from Selenese to another language?
  23. To generate pdf reports, what Java API is required?
  24. What are the ways you can customize the TestNG report?
  25. In Selenium, what are Breakpoints and Startpoints?
  26. What are the components of the Selenium suite?
  27. Can you tell from where the term Selenium derived?
  28. Why should you use Selenium as a test tool?
  29. What is Selenese?
  30. What is the difference between automation testing and manual testing?
  31. How do we launch a batch file in a Selenium Webdriver project?
  32. Elaborate on the functioning of Selenium Grid?
  33. Can we use the Selenium grid for performance testing?
  34. Is it possible to replace automation testing with manual testing?
  35. How will you find an element using Selenium?
  36. What is the Page Object Model (POM)?
  37. What is Page Factory?
  38. What is an XPath?
  39. Name different types of XPath?
  40. How do we run the selenium IDE test suite from the command line?
  41. How can we perform drag and drop action in Selenium WebDriver?
  42. Name the Selenese command that is used to present the value of a variable?
  43. Can Selenium handle windows based pop up?
  44. How do we handle web-based pop up in Selenium?
  45. Tell me how can I take a screenshot in Selenium WebDriver?
  46.  Is it possible to enter a text without using sendKeys()?
  47. What is Junit? What are Junit annotations?
  48. What is Object Repository?
  49. How can we create an Object Repository in Selenium?
  50. Does Selenium have any limitations?
  51. Which browsers/drivers do Selenium WebDriver support?
  52. Does Selenium Webdriver support web services testing?
  53. What is an absolute XPath?
  54. What is a Relative XPath?
  55. How do we identify a child element using XPath?
  56. How to use CSS Selector for identifying web elements by class?
  57. How to use CSS Selector for identifying web elements by ID?
  58. How can we move to nth child element using the CSS Selector?
  59. Explain the difference between XPath and CSS Selector.
  60. What type of tests have you automated?
  61. Can we launch different browsers in Selenium WebDriver? How?
  62. How to check a checkBox in selenium?
  63. Explain the difference between driver.getWindowHandle() and driver.getWindowHandles() in selenium.
  64. What are some possibilities of using conditions in Explicit waits?
  65. What are DesiredCapabilities in Selenium WebDriver?
  66. What is a data-driven framework?
  67. What is a keyword-driven framework?
  68. What is a hybrid framework?
  69. What is Selenium 2.0, and how is it better than Selenium 1.0?
  70. How can we pass parameters to the test script using TestNG?
  71.  Can you explain how we can make two test methods dependent on each other using TestNG?
  72. What is the difference between “type” and “typeAndWait” commands in terms of Selenium?
  73. What are the different OS/platforms supported by Selenium?
  74.  What types of cases can be automated using Selenium?
  75. Mention the list of different types of locators?
  76. What is the procedure to iterate through options in the test script?
  77. What are the element locators that can be used to locate elements on the web page in selenium IDE?
  78. In Selenium IDE, how to generate random numbers and dates for test data?
  79.  How to retrieve the message in an alert box?
  80. How to get the entered text from a textbox in the Selenium webdriver?
  81. Mention how to obtain server-side log Selenium Server?
  82. Mention what are the types of Listeners in TestNG?
  83. What API is required for database testing in the Selenium webdriver?
  84. Explain when to use AutoIT?
  85. How to get TagName?
  86. Explain the timeout commands in Implicitwait?
  87. Mention how to store various windows into one object?
  88. Mention how to switch one frame to another frame?
  89. Explain what is Beforeclass?
  90. Explain what @Afterclass is?
  91. Explain what @Ignore is?
  92. How do you prioritize test methods within a class?
  93. Mention how to pass a parameter from the XML file?
  94. How to fetch data from dataprovider method?
  95. How to manage data under the dataprovider method?
  96. How to classify tooltip in selenium webdriver?
  97. Mention how to execute Cucumber Tests in groups using Cucumber Tags?
  98. How to handle dynamic tables in Selenium?
  99. Write a code snippet to launch the Firefox browser in WebDriver.
  100. Mention what the various types of framework are?
  101. What is the difference between Silk Test and Selenium? 
  102. How can you check the visibility of web elements (if an element is displayed on the screen)?
  103. How to type text in a textbox using Selenium?
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