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ReactJS Training in Kovilpatti

Unlock the potential of modern web development with Getin Technologies ReactJS Training in Kovilpatti! Building engaging utility power User Interfaces is definitely driving learning to a dynamic and fast-growing world of web applications development. Our proficient course content takes you through all the levels from the Introduction of the React to the status of the React in the technical world ensuring you get a job in relation to technology today. Engage in project-based learning, which strengthens your understanding of component-based design and state management through the completion of actual tasks. Getin Technologies is not a traditional training provider where you only know the theories; we focus on the actual practices, so you will be able to create reusable components and appreciate the joy of the React ecosystem.

Our ReactJS training is suitable for the complete novice and for the experienced web developer. It aims to enhance your ability to develop interactive, responsive web applications and your outlook on such a challenge as focused web development. Learn important tools, libraries, and other techniques that help you compete against your hundreds of thousands of peers. Visit us at Getin Technologies ReactJS Training in Kovilpatti to immerse yourself in web development where each one of the progressive sessions takes you a notch higher towards your desired identity as a well -conversed in ReactJS developer!

Why Join Getin Technologies ReactJS Training in Kovilpatti?

ReactJS Placement

Our ReactJS placement service assists you to the top companies demanding skilled React developers for frontend and full-stack positions.

Industry Expert Trainers

You will learn from the practitioners who have worked with the best companies, bringing you insights and methodologies that have proven to work.

Real-world Project

Work on real-world projects with some challenges mimicking the real-world scenarios to make you ready to meet the problems in the industry.

Softskill Training

 Helps you develop all the possible soft skills within you and communicate your ideas clearly and confidently in any workplace environment.

Dedicated Placement Cell

Our placement team works closely with top companies to give you assistance to the best job selection suited to your skills.

Mock Interview Session

Learn interview best practices by being taught by expert instructors, including how to approach tricky questions and present yourself more professionally.

Who Can get Placements through ReactJS Training in Kovilpatti?

Freshers (2023 - 2025 Passout)

Eligible: BE, ME, BTech, MTech BSC, BCom, BA, BCA, MBA, MSC, MCA, BBA, MCom

Not Eligible: Diploma

Year Gap (2010 - 2022 Passout)

Eligible: BE, ME, BTech, MTech BSC, BCom, BA, BCA, MBA, MSC, MCA, BBA, MCom

Not Eligible: Diploma


Share your resume to Our WhatsApp +91 8925831826. Our Placement Team will Validate your Profile and get back to you shortly.

Skills You'll Learn

Languages/Tools Covered







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ReactJS Training in Kovilpatti Syllabus - Module 1

ReactJS Training syllabus module 1

ReactJS Training in Kovilpatti Syllabus - Module 2

ReactJS Training syllabus module 2

Course Syllabus

HTML Basics

  • Introduction
  • What is difference between HTML and HTML5?
  • HTML Overview
  • HTML Tag Vs Element
  • HTML Attributes

Basic Formatting Tags

  • Basic HTML Tags
  • Basic Formatting Tags

HTML Grouping Using Div and Span

  • Div Tag
  • Span Tag

HTML Lists

  • Unordered List
  • Ordered List
  • Definition List


  • Image and Image Mapping


  • <table>
  • <tr>, <th>
  • <caption>
  • <thead>, <tfoot> , <tbody>
  • <colgroup>


  • Iframes
  • Attributes Using Iframe as the Target


  • HTML Form Elements
  • HTML Input Types
  • HTML Input Attributes

HTML Media

  • HTML Audio and HTML Video
  • What is CSS?
  • CSS Inclusion
  • Selectors
  • Colors
  • Background
  • Border
  • Margin
  • Padding
  • Height
  • Width
  • Sizes
  • Box-Model
  • CSS Fonts
  • CSS Text
  • CSS links
  • CSS Tables
  • Display, Position
  • Margin property
  • Padding property
  • CSS Lists Styles
  • CSS Cursors
  • CSS Overflow
  • CSS Position
  • Pseudo Classes
  • Pseudo Elements
  • Animation
  • Transform
  • Transition
  • Media Query
  • Box Sizing Flex and Grid
  • Introduction
  • Variable Declaration
  • Arithmetic Operations
  • Array
  • Array Methods
  • String
  • String Method
  • Math Module
  • Condition Statements
  • Loops
  • Set, Map
  • Events
  • Module
  • Oops
  • Asynchronous
  • Promise
  • Async, Await
  • FetchApi
  • JavaScript Function
  • Function Closure
  • Regular Expression
  • Error Handling DOM
  • Event Listener
  • Date Methods
  • Object

Introduction to React

  • What is React?
  • Why React?
  • React version history
  • React 16 vs React 15
  • Just React – Hello World
  • Using create-react-app
  • Anatomy of react project
  • Running the app
  • Debugging first react app

Templating using JSX

  • Working with Create Element
  • Expressions
  • Using logical operators
  • Specifying attributes
  • Specifying children

It’s all about components

  • Significance of component architecture
  • Types of components
  • Functional
  • Class based
  • Pure
  • Component Composition

Working with state and props

  • What is state and it significance
  • Read state and set state
  • Passing data to component using props
  • Validating props using prop Types
  • Supplying default values to props using default Props

Rendering lists

  • Using React key prop
  • Using map function to iterate on arrays to generate elements

Event handling in React

  • Understanding React event system
  • Understanding Synthetic event
  • Passing arguments to event handlers

Understand component lifecycle

  • Understand component lifecycle

Working with forms

  • Controlled components
  • Uncontrolled components
  • Understand the significance to default Value prop
  • Using react ref prop to get access to DOM element

Routing with react router

  • Setting up react router
  • Understand routing in single page applications
  • Working with Browser Router and Hash Router components
  • Configuring route with Route component
  • Using Switch component to define routing rules
  • Using Switch component to define routing rules
  • Making routes dynamic using route params
  • Working with nested routes
  • Working with nested routes
  • Redirect routes using Redirect Component
  • Using Prompt component to get consent of user for navigation
  • Path less Route to handle failed matches

Just Redux

  • What is redux
  • Why redux
  • Redux principles
  • Install and setup redux
  • Creating actions, reducer and store

Immutable.js for immutable data structures

  • What is js?
  • Immutable collections
  • Lists
  • Maps
  • Sets

React Redux

  • What is React Redux
  • Why React Redux
  • Install and setup
  • Presentational vs Container components
  • Understand high order component
  • Understanding mapStateToProps and mapDispatchtToProps usage

New Features in React JS

  • Understand error boundaries (new in React 16)
  • Understand react portals (new in React 16)

Server-side rendering with React

  • What is server-side rendering (SSR)?
  • Why SSR
  • Working with render To String and render To Static Markup method
  • Overview
  • History and overview of MONGODB
  • Advantages
  • How it differs from other DataBase
  • Environment Setup
  • Setting up the environment and installation of MongoDB
  • Data modeling
  • Exploring Data modeling
  • Creating and Dropping DB
  • Creating DB in Mongo
  • Dropping an existing DB
  • Data Types and collections
  • Creating and dropping collections
  • Documents
  • Creating Documents
  • Updating and Deleting Documents
  • Query Documents
  • Backup support
  • Creating Backup for database
  • Adhoc Queries
  • Aggregation Pipeline

If you want to Customize the Course Syllabus for ReactJS Course, Call us to  +91 89258 31826

If you want to Group Discount for ReactJS Course, Call us to  +91 89258 31826

School Student Offer

offer30% Offer for School Students from Total Course Fees.

1. Bring Valid School ID Card while Admission.

2. 6th – 12th Std can enroll this course.

3. Terms and conditions apply.

College Student Offer

Offer20% Offer for College Students from Total Course Fees.

1. Bring Valid College ID Card while Admission.

2. All Stream (Arts & Engineering) students can use this offer.

3. Terms and conditions apply.

Disabled Student Offer


50% Offer for Disabled Students from Total Course Fees.

1.Bring Govt Approved Disabled Person ID Card while come to admission.

2. Terms and Conditions Apply.

Our Realtime Projects in ReactJS Training in Kovilpatti

Task Management System

Create a simple task management application where users can add, edit, and delete tasks. Prioritize and categorize tasks to enhance productivity and time management. Provide a user-friendly interface for managing to-do lists and improving task completion.

E-Commerce Website

Build a basic e-commerce website where users can browse products, add items to their cart, and complete a purchase. Provide a platform for users to browse, select, and purchase items or services with ease and convenience. 

Chat Application

Create a real-time chat application where users can join chat rooms and send messages to each other. Enhance user engagement and interaction through a user-friendly, interactive chat interface while also exploring and implementing real-time technologies.

Virudhunagar Branch (+91 8925831828): ReactJS Course in Virudhunagar

Tuticorin Branch (+91 8925831826): ReactJS Course in Tuticorin

Tirunelveli Branch (+91 8925831826): ReactJS Course in Tirunelveli

Madurai Branch(+91 8925831828): ReactJS Course in Madurai

Benefits of ReactJS Training in Kovilpatti 

  • Improved Employment Opportunities: Due to the fact that this technology, among others, is utilized by leading corporations in their web application designs, there is a great demand for those who understand how to operate ReactJS in by all industries with web development jobs.
  • Strong Community Support: There are tons of resources and supportive members in the community of React and the ecosystem of related libraries and tools. Once you learn ReactJS, you belong to that community which has tools to help you work and improve yourself.
  • Enhancing Performance and User Interaction: With ReactJS, it becomes easier to develop applications with stunning, interactive UIs, something which is very important in the present day web application development.
  • Build Components That Are Reusable: Development with React comes as an advantage due to the ability to design reusable components which in turn promotes speedy and efficient development processes. This aspect also makes it easy to carry out maintenance and make future changes.
  • Wide Range of Development Applications: With the help of ReactJS, one is able to create a single page application, a mobile application powered by React Native and also desktop applications allowing the designer to be flexible on the various projects.
  • Seamless Compatibility with other frameworks: The integration of ReactJS with other libraries or frameworks is very easy which implies that it can fit well in any type of developmental frameworks.
  • A Lot of Jobs are Available for Competent Software Developers: With ReactJS being one of the highly rated frameworks, the need for expert React developers is always on the upper hand which means that trained professionals have good money.

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