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Python Training in Tirunelveli

Getin Technologies conducts Python Training in Tirunelveli, which would equip you with the very essentials required in today’s tech industries. This course will take you through everything from basic to advanced levels. It would be dealing with web development, data analysis, and automation. With hands-on projects guided by experienced trainers, the candidate learns to gain practical, real-world coding skills and confidence. An industry-aligned curriculum will train you on how to work with Python libraries, in application development using Django and handling big data. Flexibility in modes of learning, personal mentorship, and thorough project-based learning help equip you for the job. Join Getin Technologies Python Training in Tirunelveli to master Python and open doors to exciting career opportunities in various fields.

About Python

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is celebrated for its simplicity and readability. It accommodates various programming paradigms, such as procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming. Thanks to its extensive ecosystem of libraries, Python is commonly utilized in web development, data science, automation, AI, and beyond. Its straightforward syntax makes it a great choice for both beginners and experienced developers.

Features of Python Training in Tirunelveli

Industry Expert Trainers

Our industry expert trainers will provide you with in-depth insights and practical tips for your study, ensuring thorough knowledge from the theoretical side and hands-on experience.

Real-world Project

Our courses with hands-on projects where you can really apply what you learn in developing fully working web applications to prepare you for the needs of the tech industry.

End-to-End Proficiency

Our Python classes cover all the basics of programming to more advanced concepts, which make a person fully prepared to design and develop real-world Python projects.

Code Reviews and Feedback

Based on assignments and projects, get tailored feedback on the code, pointing out mistakes and areas of improvement for better coding practices.

Career-Ready Workshops

We offer real-life cases, mock interviews, and career coaching at our workshops at Getin Technologies to boost confidence and be different for your potential employers.


We provides for great flexibility in scheduling for learning, where you could learn via the Internet from anywhere in the world, or by classroom engagements.

Unlock exclusive savings on our courses with personalized coupon codes –  Contact us now to elevate your learning experience at a discounted Price! (Only Online Class)

Call Now: +91 89258 31826

Course Syllabus for Python Training in Tirunelveli

Introduction to Python

  • What are Python and the history of Python?
  • Unique features of Python
  • Python-2 and Python-3 differences
  • Install Python and Environment Setup
  • First Python Program
  • Python Identifiers, Keywords, and Indentation
  • Comments and document interlude in Python
  • Command-line arguments
  • Getting User Input
  • Python Data Types
  • What are the variables?
  • Python Core objects and Functions
  • Math Module

Control Statement

  • If
  • If-elif-else
  • while loop
  • for loop
  • Break
  • Continue
  • Assert
  • Pass
  • return

List, Ranges & Tuples in Python

  • Introduction
  • Lists in Python
  • Generators and Yield
  • Generators Comprehensions and Lambda Expressions
  • Next() and Range()
  • Understanding and using Range

Python Dictionaries and Sets

  • Introduction to the section
  • Python Dictionaries
  • More on Dictionaries
  • Sets
  • Python Sets Examples

Input and Output in Python

  • Reading and writing text files
  • Writing Text Files
  • Appending to Files and Challenge
  • Writing Binary Files Manually

Python built-in function

  • Python Modules & Packages
  • Python User defined functions
  • Defining and calling Function
  • Anonymous Functions


  • Overview of OOP
  • Creating Classes and Objects
  • Constructor
  • The self variable
  • Types Of Variables
  • Namespaces
  • Inheritance
  • Types of Methods
  • Instance Methods Static Methods Class Methods
  • Accessing attributes
  • Built-In Class Attributes
  • Destroying Objects
  • Abstract classes and Interfaces
  • Abstract Methods and Abstract class
  • Interface in Python
  • Abstract classes and Interfaces

Errors and Exceptions

  • Errors in Python
  • Compile-Time Errors
  • Runtime Errors
  • Logical Errors
  • What is Exception?
  • Handling an exception

Regular Expression

  • What are regular expressions?
  • The match Function
  • The search Function
  • The Replace Function
  • Wildcard

Python Multi-Threading

  • What is multithreading?
  • Difference between a Process and Thread
  • Uses of Thread
  • Starting a New Thread
  • The Threading Module
  • Thread Synchronization
  • Locks

Using DataBase in Python

  • Python MySQL Database Access
  • Install the MySQLdb and other Packages
  • Create Database Connection
  • CREATE, INSERT, READ Operation
  • DML and DDL Operation with Database

If you want to Customize the Course Syllabus for Python, Call us to  +91 89258 31826

If you want to Group Discount for the Python course, Call us to  +91 89258 31826

School Student Offer


30% Offer for School Students from Total Course Fees.

1. Bring Valid School ID Card while Admission.

2. 6th – 12th Std can enroll this course.

3. Terms and conditions apply.

College Student Offer

Offer20% Offer for College Students from Total Course Fees.

1. Bring Valid College ID Card while Admission.

2. All Stream (Arts & Engineering) students can use this offer.

3. Terms and conditions apply.

Disabled Student Offer


50% Offer for Disabled Students from Total Course Fees.

1.Bring Govt Approved Disabled Person ID Card while come to admission.

2. Terms and Conditions Apply.

Our Realtime Projects in Python Training in Kovilpatti

Library Management System

Develop a Python application with a MySQL database to manage books in a library. This system enables you to add, search, update, and delete book records while tracking book availability and issuing/returning books. It helps you practice database connectivity, CRUD operations, and data management using Python and MySQL.

Student Management System

Develop a student management system in python with MySQL as the back end. The system will store students name, roll number, marks, and attendance. Students record can be viewed, added, updated or deleted which provides hands-on experience in handling relational data and effectively using databases.

Inventory Management System

Creating an inventory management system in Python and MySQL that can store all the information about products, sales, and the various levels of stock inside a company. Information about products can be managed, stock calculated, even report generation are possible using it-that’s a great way to learn large datasets and find how to work with more complex queries in MySQL.

Benefits of learning Python course

  • Diverse Job Line Streams: Python follows the very high demand in several areas such as finance, healthcare, education, and in the field of technology. In short, it is a versatile skill opening up various job roles.
  • Rapid Prototype/Develop: Python’s simplicity enables speedy development and testing of ideas so as to quickly prototype and solve problems under dynamically ever-changing environments.
  • Extensive Libraries and Frameworks: By offering a wide range of libraries and frameworks-for example, Django, Flask, Pandas-the language makes intricate things like web application development, data analysis, or machine learning easier and saves time and efforts.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: The fact that Python can run on Windows, macOS, or Linux means that you can create applications that will run anywhere, which translates into increasing flexibility and reach.
  • Increases Productivity and Efficiency: Fewer lines of code, quicker times for development, and overall productivity increase in projects reflect the readability and simplicity attributed to Python.
  • Base for Data Science and AI: Python has become the language of choice for any serious foray into data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning-and those are fields focused on the future.

Salary of a Python Developer

With less than one year of experience to four years of experience, Python Developer salaries in India range from 4 lakhs to 8.5 lakhs, with an average yearly pay of 4.4 lakhs.

Resume Preparation

Many people are unsure of what information to include on a resume, and this can lead to some serious consequences. Not including the right information can lead to a missed opportunity for an interview, or not including enough information can result in the employer not understanding your skills and qualifications. Our resume writer is responsible for helping clients create a resume that will effectively market their skills and qualifications to potential employers. The resume writer will assess the candidates skills, knowledge, experience, and education to help the client create a resume that highlights their strengths.

Mock Interviews

Mock interviews are similar to lectures in a classroom. It aids in the creation of interview tactics, the development of communication abilities, and the reduction of anxiety before a job interview. Additionally, it teaches you how to respond to challenging queries. Getin Technologies holds mock interviews to familiarize candidates with the interview process and give them a taste of a realistic job interview.

Virudhunagar Branch (+91 8925831828): Python Fullstack Training in Virudhunagar

Kovilpatti Branch (+91 8925831826): Python Fullstack Training in Kovilpatti

Tirunelveli Branch (+91 8925831826): Python Fullstack Training in Tirunelveli

Madurai Branch(+91 8925831828): Python Fullstack Training in Madurai

Click here to know about python Training in Kovilpatti:Python Training in Kovilpatti

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